VIRTUAL EVENT: Does Marriage Have to be Hard? - April 30 at 7:30pm Central from San Antonio Marriage Initiative | What’s happening in Atlanta

VIRTUAL EVENT: Does Marriage Have to be Hard? - April 30 at 7:30pm Central from San Antonio Marriage Initiative

*The event has already taken place on this date: Thu, 04/30/2020
We have all heard that marriage is never easy, but most people enter marriage with high hopes that theirs will be different, thinking … I have finally found “the one”. My spouse will make me happy, and the struggles of singleness will dissolve away.

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.

We have all heard that marriage is never easy, but most people enter marriage with high hopes that theirs will be different, thinking …

I have finally found “the one”. My spouse will make me happy, and the struggles of singleness will dissolve away.

But once the wedding bells are finished ringing and the dust settles, it doesn’t take long to learn that marriage requires intentional work. But whose work, mine or my spouse’s?

In this episode of “Common Marriage Myths that Hurt Our Marriages”, Jon Anderson, Marriage Intensive Specialist and Marriage Expert will explore the myth:

● “If I marry the right person, I will always feel in love” and,

● How to know if your “happy”-compass is leading you in the right direction.

Even the healthiest marriage may struggle to always feel in love. Join Jon for a practical look at how thoughtful intentions nurture a healthy and happy marriage.

This online experience includes a 1 hour interactive session with Jon Anderson, followed by Q&A time.

Together, let’s invest in developing healthy marriage beliefs, resulting in a healthy home.

Click here to get to San Antonio Marriage Initiative

a few minutes before 8:30pm Eastern / 7:30pm Central / 6:30pm Mountain / 5:30pm Pacific / 4:30pm Alaskan

*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


23995 Bat Cave Rd
San Antonio, TX, 78266
United States
Contact name: 
The event has already taken place on this date: 
8:30pm Eastern / 7:30pm Central / 6:30pm Mountain / 5:30pm Pacific / 4:30pm Alaskan


Adults without kids